Our Animals

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Ruby & Remi

Remi & Ruby definitely put in the most work at the farm! We are always trying to get them to relax, but they just can’t stop working!

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Baby Kitty

Baby Kitty is the sweetest of the bunch!

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Rhya is the queen of the farm, who’s been in the family for over 10 years. She rules the roost and protects the family.


Sailum & Teepee

Sailum & Teepee are the newest additions to the farm. Sailum is a rescued race horse from Ontario, Canada.

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Mystic Magic

Magic was the first horse to DJ Levy Farms, and he knows it! One of four horses, Magic is the king of the castle and ensures everyone knows it.

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Arrow & Zooah

These loveable kitties took over our tack room, and work on keeping the barn safe from the dangerous mice!

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Polly is Brooklynn's heart pony, and the only mare on the farm. They took 6th place in the jumper show ring at NSHJA in their first show year together, and have been inseparable ever since!